Friday, May 22, 2009


So I still have about two weeks until I head out, but I thought I’d get started on this blogging thing. I am sure the title of my blog has probably grabbed somebody's attention, and I don't know a better to start my blog than by just speaking about why I even chose to name it as such...Am I a reckless person by nature? Well...when it comes to driving my car, maybe a little. I like to refer to myself as adventurous ;-) Seriously, though, I will often, like most, try to “play it safe” and stay within my comfort zones. Following the status quo is simple, easy, and rarely brings with it much challenge. Change is hard; being uncomfortable is not enjoyable, daring to go where others dare not is downright scary, but oh how often God calls us to stretch ourselves out of our comfort zones to a place where we MUST rely on Him for our strength and guidance...SO OFTEN does obedience to Christ seem reckless to the world. Even more often it doesn't even make sense to us! But why should it? We are fallen beings nowhere near capable of comprehending all plans that God has. God commands us to choose this path less traveled, so as to offer ourselves to him as living sacrifices and grow in our faith:

Therefore, I urge you, brothers, in view of God's mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God—this is your spiritual act of worship. Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will. Romans 12:1-2 NIV

This summer as millions of college students are seeking out internships and future employment which is a reasonable, safe approach, I am choosing to listen to God’s clear voice and offer all that I have once more in Monterrey, Mexico. In the first chapter of Isaiah it speaks clearly of my mission for the summer, “Stop doing wrong, learn to do right! Seek justice, encourage the oppressed. Defend the cause of the fatherless, plead the case of the widow.” God is asking for the teachable, those who will be willing AND obedient to stop doing wrong in order to learn to do right and to go and do his work. The harvest is plentiful and the workers are few, but let me tell you something. The few of us that do choose to do God’s work be it in Mexico or elsewhere, will surely see the awe inspiring power of God.

Friends, as reckless as it may seem (especially since most of you have heard either something about the violence or the swine flu in Mexico), I know this is God’s purpose for me this summer. I do not know what exactly will happen, but I do know that the Lord is going to usher in great healing for the orphan child in Monterrey this summer. How? I don’t know. I just believe it will happen. Like I said, I’ve been sent, and it is up to the Holy Spirit to guide me from here on out. I just want to be the Lord’s tool even if it means seeming reckless to the world.

So this is exactly how I live my life, as a giant adventure. I truthfully have no idea where exactly God will take me durin and after after my trip, or even after college, but I am completely comfortable with that. Does it sound reckless? Perhaps a little bit, but let me tell you something. God has blessed me mightily, even when I have let my human nature get the best of me and have been less than focused on Christ’s calling than I should be. Like I said, God is seeking those who are willing and obedient and promises that they “will eat the best from the land” (Isaiah 1:19). Even though my focus has lacked at times as I have been so often distracted by all sorts of things, God has still gracefully blessed me for having a willing and (most of the time) obedient attitude. I cannot image my life going any differently...

So as I leave my first blog post (EVER!) I just want to challenge each and every one of you to willingly ask God where he is leading you, and LISTEN! Don’t rationalize it away like so many do…rather it is best to be obedient right away and ask questions later =). You can have such an impact on the world around you! Don't let anyone tell you anything different. Let your faith be stretched. Take that challenge. Walk right into those situations that scare you the most! God will deliver. It is my hope prayer that each of you who reads this will soon jump in to your own adventure and have your eyes opened to the wonders that abound in Christ. BE RECKLESS! Do everything in love. I love you all and cannot wait to share more in the coming weeks!

1 comment:

  1. Shawn, we are looking forward to having you with us this summer. It is going to be a great 2 months!
