Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Cambios son necesarios

If you've been following along, I want to pull out one more piece of Pastor Hagee's analogy of the mountains and valleys. If you haven't please go back a few posts before continuing...Inherent in the barren peaks and lush valleys is something I can't quite believe I forgot to write about last night. I think something that we often avoid as "comfortable Americans" is change. Change is uncomfortable, challenging and scary. So much so that we often fight it with everything in us. However, I think it is quite obvious in this analogy that change is a NECESSITY. The movement from the lush, dark valleys of growth to the mountain tops and back again is exactly how we better ourselves in Christ. It is exactly how we fully support the glory of God's grace in us and begin to change the world. I think, no no, I know that it is very ingrained in us to fight change, but I yet again want to challenge the status quo of just accepting that attitude, and urge you to embrace change, or as the B2B director likes to say, embrace the friction. May the eyes of your heart be open to God's great and glorious plan for your life.


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